Restoring human and humane connection in the workplace


In partnership with internationally renowned poet & author

David WHyte

and INVITAS, The institute for conversational leadership

David Whyte

Connection, collaboration and belonging are key to transformational change.

Our mission is to create systems in which we yearn to participate.

Organisations don’t exist.  They are not ‘things’. They are simply a group of people with a common purpose. Attending to the conversations and relationships at the heart of that group of people is key to realising profound, sustainable change.

We provide the framework and facilitation that will enable you to achieve this.

Remember the way you are all possibilities you can see and how you live best as an appreciator of horizons

MAMEEN | David Whyte


As social beings we are born with innate desires and abilities to connect, however, life’s experiences lead us towards separation. Our work is designed to restore connection to ourselves and to each other.

As Restoration we support organisations, teams and individuals to turn towards the important conversations they may need to have, and this can lead to unlocking ingrained and often unhelpful behaviours that keep things stuck.

Transformational change is challenging, disruptive and often dogged by fear. We will support you through the discomfort, enabling you to turn towards the crucial and courageous conversations that may be required.

Without vulnerability there is no conversation.”

— David Whyte


For organisations to truly thrive, it’s people that make the difference. Your staff, managers, customers, suppliers and partners will have their own ‘bottom lines’. Financial reward is, of course, always a factor, AND critically, so is wellbeing, quality of life, authenticity, belonging, feeling valued and valuing others. In a word - CONNECTION.

We believe attention to human connection is essential for sustainable, ethical and meaningful business impact.

What might it be like for you and your colleagues if…

  • Your quality of life was enhanced by being at work?

  • You felt able to bring your whole self to work and be welcomed for doing so?

  • You felt fully able to collaborate with each other - knowing that together you can create things that alone you could not even imagine?

  • You were able to identify what is hurting in your organisation and turn towards the remedy for that?

  • You were having that level of connection and collaboration not just with your own team or department, but across the whole of your organisation and?

  • That connection and collaboration were stretching to your suppliers, other organisations that support your work, your clients and customers, and your competitors?

That’s what we can help you do, and in doing so THRIVE.

That’s our bottom line.